This Mobile Phone Detector can detect regular or concealed GSM mobile devices, making it perfect for counter surveillance! With this device you can find and detect concealed transmitting cellular
devices quickly and easily in GSM, CDMA, and WCDMA transmission ranges.
Today, more than ever, mobile phones are being used to illegally record and send both audio and video to third party locations. With this law enforcement grade unit you can easily detect illegal eavesdropping! When the device
detects a mobile phone in use it silently vibrates to alert you of its presence. Since it does not jam or tap into the signal, it is completely legal!
360 Degree View (Click and Drag)
- Detection Mode: RF Power Peak Detection
- Detection Frequencies: GSM 880-915MHz, CDMA 824-849MHz, WCDMA (1920-1980MHz), and DCS (1710-1785MHz)
- Antenna: Dual band dipole omni-directional
- Power: Li-battery (single, 1800mAh @ 3.7VDC)
- Alert: Vibration and audible
- Operation Time: 18-20 hours (on a single charge)
- Weight: 110grams
- Size: 96mm x 60mm x 24mm (120mm w/ antenna)
- Cell Phone and GPS Detector
- Li-ion Rechargeable Battery
- AC Power Charger
- Earphone